Open to members and guests alike.

Foster golf club lake
friendly handshake
Foster Golf Club front deck

Get in touch with nature

Enjoy a game by yourself or with a group of friends on our beautiful course. After the game you can sit back and enjoy the atmosphere.

The clubhouse features fully licensed Bar and Bistro with golf course views and free Wi-fi.

Available for functions. Courtesy bus in operation Friday and Saturday evenings.

foster golf club lake and holes

Social groups welcome

Enjoy a game by yourself or with friends. The fully licensed clubhouse is available for functions.

Very competitive rates

Competitive membership and green fees mean access to our beautiful and fully serviced course is within the reach of everyone.

Close to Melbourne

At approximately 2 hours from Melbourne, it is feasible for groups to arrange a day visit or a weekend away.

Equipment for hire

Golf carts, equipment, and golf buggies are all available to hire from the club.

Foster Golf Club welcomes social groups and boasts very competitive rates. With its proximity to Melbourne it is feasible for groups to arrange a day visit or weekend away.

Situated approximately 2 hours south-east of Melbourne, the Foster Golf Club is 1.8 km from the South Gippsland Highway and a short drive from the picturesque Wilson's Promontory coast.

The 18 hole course features flat to undulating fairways with small greens: relatively short in length, but still challenging for all golfing levels.


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